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How To Use Custom Stickers To Promote Your Photography Business

Stickers for Photography
We are going to share how to use custom stickers to improve your marketing and branding campaigns of your photography business.

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The photography business has gained a new demand with the advent of social media postings. But the competition also has increased making it difficult to attract new clients and retain the existing clients.

So in this article we are going to share how to use custom stickers to improve your marketing and branding campaigns. Because we have seen drastic improvements in the marketing and branding campaigns that used custom stickers in various industries.

If you have been concerned about the rising marketing cost…

Then you will find using custom stickers for your marketing and branding campaigns will save you lots of money but produce uncommon results.


Memorable Branding

In the highly competitive photography market, your brand is what gives you the competitive advantage.

But what’s the most effective way to build your brand without driving your business to bankruptcy ?

Use custom stickers to build and promote your photography brand.

You can simply design unique and eye catchy stickers that showcase your brand, brand name and other branding materials.

Custom stickers are inexpensive and easy to get the eye balls of your prospective to a well-designed custom branding sticker.

Affordable And Effective Marketing Tool

One of the biggest problems the photography business suffers is the lack of a sizable marketing budget.

Online advertising costs have gone up considerably. (It is not cheap anymore)

That’s where custom stickers come to your rescue.

They are affordable,durable and effective for small business marketing purposes.

There are plenty of options for you to choose from – different shapes, sizes and colors etc.

All you have to do is come up with an enticing offer – seasonal offers, special discount offers,etc.

And get an eye catchy design.

So you can create walking (mini) billboards with your custom stickers. Getting you new leads and clients.

Don’t believe what we say. Run an experiment and see the results for yourself.


Personalized Packages 

It is difficult to attract new customers.

And in the modern competitive markets it is even more difficult to sustain clients.

So personalized service is one of the main tools to build a relationship with the clients and make them lifetime clients of your photography business.

You can use custom stickers and create custom packaging for each client making them feel seen and respected. Plus you can put a gift card, a note of appreciation or a discount code to welcome them back to your services.

Portable Portfolio Using QR Code

Using custom stickers you can turn any surface into showcase your best work to anyone and anywhere.

Simply using a QR code on the custom sticker you can turn any of your surfaces – laptops, mobile phones, vehicle surfaces,custom packaging,etc into a traveling portfolio.

Don’t have to give your potential clients web links or other online or offline materials.

Just ask them to scan the QR coded sticker and your best work is on their eye shot.



As you can see, custom stickers are a great (and cost-effective) tool to promote your photography business and attract new clients. You don’t have to compete for ad space on Google, Facebook or Instagram.

You can use custom stickers together with some of the creative strategies we have outlined to promote your business in an uncommon fashion.

And if you need help with custom stickers for your photography business marketing and branding purposes we are here to help you with that.

We offer custom stickers of different sizes, shapes and materials to fit your needs and budget.

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