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How to Safely & Quickly Remove Sticky Residue on a Laptop

Laptop stickers
Laptop stickers are a great way to enhance the look and feel of your laptop. But the problem comes when the stickers become discolored, chipped and wore off. All of a sudden they are too ugly on your laptop.

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Do you have stickers on your laptop?

And you like to remove it?

Of course, without damaging the surface of the laptop.

Then this guide will help you to do so using simple and easy steps.

Laptop stickers are a great way to enhance the look and feel of your laptop. And they can be a great way to stand out when you are working in a public place.

But the problem comes when the stickers become discolored, chipped and wore off. All of a sudden they are too ugly on your laptop.

So let’s get rid of those “old and ugly” stickers without damaging your laptop.

But first make sure you unplug your laptop before trying any of these methods.


Simple and Safe Method #`1

The problem of removing laptop stickers is their adhesive. The sticker adhesive makes it difficult to remove the sticker completely. And it is not possible to scratch off without damaging your laptop surface.

So the simple solution is to use some kind of moisturizer you can find in your kitchen.

Some of the dish cleaning liquid or even vinegar would help you to get rid of the marks left from stickers.

Simply apply the cleaning liquid (or vinegar if that is what you got) on a piece of cloth and rub it on the sticker leftovers. You may have to apply some pressure but not too much pressure that would damage your laptop. This way you will see those nasty adhesives coming off slowly.


Simple and safe method #2

Sometimes certain sticker types can be so stubborn to let go. In that case you need to use some kind of a solvent.

You can use common solvents like rubbing alcohol, Acetone or WD40.

These solvent will dissolve the adhesive of the stickers so you can get rid of the sticker easily.

Now put some of the solvents on the sticker or the sticker residue on the laptop and rub with a piece of cloth.

You will see how easy it is to remove the sticker without any scratch or residues.

Enjoy the cleaned laptop.


Simple and safe method #3      

Certain types of stickers can be so hard to get rid. If neither of the above methods work successfully we have to go for a stronger and direct method.

For this you need a hair dryer.

Before you start using this method please read this instructions several times. Because this method has the potential to damage your laptop surface if you do not follow the instructions carefully.

First, use the hair dryer on the sticker for about 30 second to 1 minute. Not more than 2min. And you will see the adhesive of the sticker become soft. Now you can easily peel off the sticker.

If there are any leftover adhesive on the laptop simply use the method #2 – use some kind of solvent like acetone or vinegar to rub off those.


So these three methods will help you to remove laptop stickers without damaging the laptop. And on top of that – these are the easiest and effective methods we can recommend to anyone.

And we like to remind you again… before you try out any one of these methods make sure you shut down your laptop and even remove the battery. You don’t want to take any risks with the power inside the laptop.

After all, if you need new laptop stickers to replace the older ones, you can order from our store.



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