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How to Personalize Wine Bottles Using Custom Labels

Custom wedding wine bottle labels
Here is a memorable ways to add uniqueness to your wedding celebration using wine bottle custom labels. 

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Everyone wants to have their dream wedding ceremony. But how to make your dream wedding unique and  memorable to everyone ? 

We make something unique and memorable in small ways so the end result is dramatically unique and memorable. 

Today let us share with you one of the small but always memorable ways to add uniqueness to your wedding celebration using wine bottle custom labels. 

Yes, wine bottles are a staple part of every wedding, with a bit of creativity and personal touch you can turn these wine bottles into a unique expression of your wedding theme. 



Step 1 –  Make The Best Choice 

First,you need to figure out the best wine for your wedding. This is the best pre-wedding experience the couple can enjoy. Go out and test a bunch of wine brands and varieties – white, red, or fruit wine, etc.

Figure out what is the best taste that matches your theme of the wedding and event that fits your budget. 

Don’t overspend or complicate the process by focusing on finding the perfect vine. It is all about enjoyment not perfection.

Step 2 – Get Your Dream Label Design

Now think of the label design that will reflect the theme of the wedding and the message you want to convey to your near and dear ones. 

There are lots of online resources to get your label design done. 

If you have the budget, get a professional designer to get this label designed. Or you can find templates and other affordable (even free) methods to get the design. 

Before you decide on the label design we suggest you browse around the wedding wine bottle label designs on google to find some inspiration and ideas. 

And most importantly find a high quality sticker and label printer to print your custom wine bottle labels. 

Step 3 – Get Rid of the Old Labels 

Next is the challenging step.

Removing the original labels on the wine bottles. 

Don’t worry there is a pain free process to get rid of the original labels on the bottles. 

You need warm water and baking soda for this.  

Pour the appropriate amount of water into a jar and put 10 tablespoons of baking soda into the warm water. 

Stir until the baking soda is fully dissolved in the water. Put the wine bottles into this mixture and keep them there for 45min to 1 hour. 

Then you can easily remove those original labels on the wine bottles.

Step 4 – Make the Wine Bottles to Yours

Once the bottles are cleaned it is time to “decorate” them with your custom labels

Before you place your custom labels on the bottle make sure you plan in advance on the specific spot you want to place the custom label. Otherwise, you will get not too pleasing placement on the bottle with all kinds of wired angels and creases. 

Be patient during the process. If you get creases and bubbles (which you will) simply rub them out. It is about looking great but not looking perfect. 

Step 5- Enjoy The Special Day

Finally, enjoy your special day with your family and friends spreading love and laughter.

The custom wine bottles will make this event truly special for your guests. 

And this topic will come up in family gatherings and dinner tables for the years to come. 



So implement these 4 steps to add that difference and uniqueness to your wedding. See how your special becomes unique and special for two of you and your family and friends as well. 

In case you want a high quality sticker printer simply contact us and we can help you with your custom label printing needs.

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