About the Evolution of Communication and Why Stickers Matter, it soon became apparent that digital stickers are fast becoming a new language. Based on the statistics comparing the usage of stickers to gifs on Messenger, readers can assume a rise in sticker popularity – choosing digital stickers over gifs – and, the desire to communicate emotion quickly and effectively.
Digital Stickers
Users can store a number of emotions and reactions, akin to having their own digital shoe box of their favourite stickers, so that when they need to shoot out a quick-fire response to incite or share emotion, they have something immediate on hand which reflects their thoughts and feelings. As in, the sticker illustrates an immediate emotional response.

Formulating a collection of visual response stickers has become so popular in China that the term, Biaoqing, has been coined. Biǎo qíng, literally means “facial expression.” Having a collection of digital expressions is like sharing your own literal facial expression. It’s not unlike having your own fingerprints or signature.
When used frequently, those expressions become known by the recipients as being a reflection of the sender’s style, tone, voice and personality. The sender’s style of communication becomes known to recipients, not so much because of the connection between sender and recipient outside of the technology, but by the repeated use of favourite digital stickers, which form the emotional bonds of communication within the digital relationship setting.
This concept is rather profound. The communication process of Biaoqing is not dissimilar to business branding and the consequent reinforcement of brand through marketing materials and actions taken by businesses that visually represent and illustrate business values and standards.
In a past BoingBoing Stickers blog post, The Sticker: Your friendly Eye-Catcher, the writer, when referring to the creative process of designing a sticker, stated: ‘stickers that convey emotions and reactions are the best.’
This is because stickers that are visually appealing and emotive can trigger recipients to respond immediately, quite simply because every human on the planet is an emotional being and genuinely responds to material that pulls on their emotions.
Recently, Australian bush and wildlife met with a summer of devastating fires. An article on Vox.com have reported that at least 1 billion animals died during these months, not to mention ‘more than 15.6 million acres torched’, and, of course, a troublesome amount of damage to houses, communities, and people.

Stickers for Causes
Businesses know that stickers are a valuable asset and tool to attract new customers while making loyal clients feel special. Businesses also know that when they align their passions and values to their products and services this reflects positively for them while it boosts consumer opinion. Now is the time to reflect on your own business marketing strategies and ask yourself if your sticker marketing is working its hardest to incite emotion in your customers.
Do your stickers convey an alignment to your values? And, are those values akin to current concerns of the collective consciousness? How do you want your business’s fingerprint, their brand signature to be received? Would it be worthwhile for your business to include cause-based stickers in your sticker marketing strategy?
If you need advice regarding this topic, contact the friendly team at Boing Boing Stickers.