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5 Marketing Principles to Get the Most Out of Your Promotional Stickers

marketing principles for custom stickers
Most businesses are shooting in the dark when it comes to marketing. When something works they start to do it without measuring the results even after years.

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Let me ask you…

Do you get a positive  ROI  from your offline marketing methods? 

No matter what offline marketing methods you use – billboards, promotional gifts, promotional stickers etc. if you don’t follow the proven marketing principles your promotional materials are going to be a waste of money. 

In our case using custom promotional stickers doesn’t ensure you will get new sales and your name will be remembered. 

Promotional stickers are just a tool to deliver your message to your ideal customer.

So here are 5 essential marketing principles to get the most out of your promotional campaign using stickers. (or any other offline marketing materials)



Make your Stickers Attention Grabbing 

If your promotional materials (not just stickers) fail to get the attention of your target market (yes your customers) they won’t even notice, they won’t read it so they won’t respond to your marketing message.

Total waste of money, time, and your efforts. 

Attention is the most important first step in any marketing materials. 

So make sure your stickers are different and unique in shape, size, color, or presentation. And it is not about looking beautiful. It is about attention-getting. 

And if you need help with printing a different shape, size or color, we can help you with that. 

Put Your Name in There 

Have you seen those packaging with just a  sticker label only or just a logo only? 

It is a waste of the marketing budget.

If those people can just include a simple marketing message with their contact details they will get at least 1% of the ROI they spend on those “creative” label stickers. 

This is not only limited to label stickers – most offline even online marketing materials are creative but not bringing in new customers or leads. 

So make sure you include your marketing message and contact info in your marketing & branding materials for potential customers to find you and contact you.

Make it clear – a message in teeny tiny letters won’t do that. 

Be bold when it comes to marketing but don’t oversell or over-promise. Focus on marketing ROI not being creative. 

Show Don’t Tell 

If you have seen most marketing materials, billboards ads, posters, print sticker labels they all say best ingredients, best service, best of this or best of that. 

We all heard of that and were mostly disappointed with the best products or services. 

So don’t just say best but be specific and tell an example of the best.

E.g – instead of best materials say grade A material from …

Or instead of best customer service say our past customers stay with us for years 

So be specific and present the examples of your BEST. You can be more trustworthy and believable. 

Proof! Not Bragging 

How many number 1 products out there? 

Many, right? 

Everybody says they are the #1 service provider or #1 product in that particular market. 

But in reality, there can be only one number one. 

So instead of saying #1 or “The Best” the company says the awards you got or any public recognition you received. 

Remember intelligent customers have heard all these #1 nonsense. So if you want to attract high-quality customers offer proof not boring bragging. 

Make it Memorable 

Your customers are bombarded with tons of marketing messages.

So even if you send the perfect message with the most attractive marketing material, only 10% of them will actually notice and less than 5% will remember who you are. 

So make sure your marketing materials are memorable!!

How to be memorable? 

Be pleasantly different.

Don’t follow the trodden path of marketing – nonstop buy from me messages.

Be useful, relatable, and get their attention in a pleasantly surprising way. 

The difference doesn’t have to be huge. Small differences make a huge difference 

Don’t send out a heap of marketing materials – Be strategic and give only something that is useful & memorable. 



And if you use custom promotional stickers, vinyl stickers, bumper stickers or any other form of stickers, it is relatively easy to be memorable with all the fantastic customization ability. 

If you are interested now you can get a quick quote for any types of custom promotional stickers from us. 

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