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Vinyl Stickers vs Paper Stickers

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Read This before You Buy. One of the frequent questions we get asked, Should we go with paper or plastic stickers?

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So we realized most business owners have this question when they buy stickers. And some of you may have a very limited view on paper stickers and vinyl stickers.

Then this article will help you to get a clear idea of all the differences and advantages of paper and vinyl stickers. Most importantly what type best fits your project. 

What are Vinyl Stickers ? 

Vinyl stickers are the sticker type that is mainly made using PVC resins and plasticizers. And for extra protection, UV absorbers and different pigments are commonly used. So vinyl stickers have a very strong resistance to water, sun and general wear and tear. 

Why use Vinyl stickers ? 

Vinyl stickers are mostly used for applications where durability and last long effects are crucial. Because of the lamination layer and the UV protection outer layer, vinyl stickers can withstand harsh outdoor weather conditions – be it rain, heat, etc. 

Most of the outdoor applications, the vinyl stickers are used extensively. 

This means most of those bumper stickers you see on vehicles, the clear stickers you see on the outside shop windows, they all use the vinyl stickers. 

And the durable material and sophisticated design of vinyl stickers do not stop from creative innovations. You can still get all the shapes, colors and sizes with vinyl stickers.

Puls vinyl stickers can be made opaque or transparent. 

You may think ‘ then vinyl stickers will be very expensive ?

We are happy to say, it is not. Vinyl stickers are easy to produce (using modern advanced printing technology) and they are affordable. 

What are paper stickers

Paper stickers are the sticker type that mainly uses matte and glossy paper as the main material. Generally paper stickers don’t have a laminated outer layer. So they can be easily damaged by environmental conditions such as humidity, water,rain, sunshine, etc.

This also means that paper stickers are mostly for indoor use, or use with limited exposure to the weather.

Why use Paper stickers ?

You can find paper stickers everywhere – on bottle labels, on the packaging, on envelopes etc.

Why is that ?

Because paper stickers are the best solution for short term labeling. It is an extremely cheaper alternative to vinyl stickers. Plus you can get a high volume of pater stickers printed very quickly (of course, very affordably)

So paper stickers are the main go to option for most of the businesses that use stickers. 

Paper stickers can be applied on a wide variety of surfaces without any problem 

What you should Choose ? 

So should you use vinyl or paper stickers ? 

The choice depends on your purpose.

Ask these questions before you decide. 

  • Are you going to use these stickers for long term or short term applications ? 
  • Are these stickers going to be exposed water, sunshine or other environmental conditions ? 
  • Are you tight on budget ? 

The answers will help you to clarify your choice of sticks 

So we hope you can now have a clear idea of the differences between vinyl and paper stickers. And you can make an informed decision when you want to buy stickers for your project. 

If you need high quality vinyl or paper stickers, we got you covered.

All our stickers are printed using the latest technology so high quality and speed of printing can be expected. 

Check out our vinyl sticker prices and sizes.

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